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Stonehill Inn - day and night
In the rural town of Phandalin, the Stonehill Inn is one of few places where to gather to eat, drink, and gossip with fellow townspeople.
During the day, there's a youngster playing the lute, entertaining customers who rented rooms or simply come to get a bite to eat or a mug of beer to drink and chat.
At the end of the evening, though, plates are put away, the lute player goes to rest, and most people leave, with only the quiet of a few people remaining. The night time sounds begin to be heard from outside, like crickets and owls.
Comments for "Stonehill Inn - day and night"
License details for "Stonehill Inn - day and night"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- Plate Scraping by antwash from +)
- Pouring beer by divebomber10 from +)
- Forest at Night by Here4datunes +)
- italian lute by Joachim Held +)
- Quiet Cafe With Barista by Josie Cat +)
- Fireplace by martats from +)
- Wind Whistling Window Frame by pavelvon from +)
- Miners pub in Brzeszcze by Robinhood76 from +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License